[pyar] Python Apps
Facundo Batista
2018-08-08 15:57:53 UTC
"""Python has setuputils and the Python Package Index to assist in
packaging and distributing applications to other developers.
Virtualenv allows developers to isolate an application and its
dependencies from the rest of the system. However, pip and virtualenv
are not user-oriented tools. Nor do they offer a solution for
notifying users of available updates.

Snaps address these gaps while building upon the work you’ve already
done to teach Python how to package your app.

... sigue en:


. Facundo

Blog: http://www.taniquetil.com.ar/plog/
PyAr: http://www.python.org/ar/
Twitter: @facundobatista
Lista de Correo de PyAr - Python Argentina - ***@python.org.ar
Sitio web: http://www.python.org.ar/

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La lista de PyAr esta Hosteada en USLA - Usuarios
2018-08-09 14:11:28 UTC
Post by Facundo Batista
"""Python has setuputils and the Python Package Index to assist in
packaging and distributing applications to other developers.
Virtualenv allows developers to isolate an application and its
dependencies from the rest of the system. However, pip and virtualenv
are not user-oriented tools. Nor do they offer a solution for
notifying users of available updates.
Snaps address these gaps while building upon the work you’ve already
done to teach Python how to package your app.
. Facundo
Blog: http://www.taniquetil.com.ar/plog/
PyAr: http://www.python.org/ar/
Sitio web: http://www.python.org.ar/
Para administrar la lista (o desuscribirse) entrar a
La lista de PyAr esta Hosteada en USLA - Usuarios de Software Libre de
Argentina - http://www.usla.org.ar
"La función de un buen software es hacer que lo complejo aparente ser
simple " Grady Booch
Nicolas Canepa
2018-08-10 18:55:45 UTC
Post by Facundo Batista
"""Python has setuputils and the Python Package Index to assist in
packaging and distributing applications to other developers.
Virtualenv allows developers to isolate an application and its
dependencies from the rest of the system. However, pip and virtualenv
are not user-oriented tools. Nor do they offer a solution for
notifying users of available updates.
Snaps address these gaps while building upon the work you’ve already
done to teach Python how to package your app.
. Facundo
Blog: http://www.taniquetil.com.ar/plog/
PyAr: http://www.python.org/ar/
Sitio web: http://www.python.org.ar/
Para administrar la lista (o desuscribirse) entrar a
La lista de PyAr esta Hosteada en USLA - Usuarios de Software Libre de
Argentina - http://www.usla.org.ar
Muy Bueno
Nicolás Cánepa